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Dr Who

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The problem with a 125 super is that it has only 8" wheels, and two transfer ports in the casing.

In order to fit a kit such as the DR or polini you would have to grind another port into the casing.

It is possible to do it, but not every shop would be willing to take such a job on.

Fitting a PX motor will offer only limited performance due to the differences in the primary gears.

To really tune your 125 super i would go for a px200 motor with 8" wheel conversion, and at the same time fit a gear kit to the 200 motor to make up for the 20% loss of top end.

you could do the same with a PX125 motor fitted with a kit, but it would cost a lot.

you are looking in the right direction though, as the Germans and the austrians are the kings of vespa tuning.

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Thanks for the advice John.

The problem then would be how to stop i guess, especially the front brake on a 125 Super isn't that great.

If i want to go significantly faster i better buy a 180 or 200 Rally or sprint i guess, a PX would be even better but i don't like the more modern lines of it.

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stopping and cornering are two of the supers downfalls.

treat the super like a run around bike (what it was designed for) and get yourself a PX engined sprint. beware a standard two port sprint has all the same downfalls as the super!!!

for vespa tuning you should ask scooterboy here on this site, he has far more experience of what works on older models then me.


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ge kunt een 2 spoels blokje wel degelijk tunen, heb het gedaan met een VNB blokje m.a.w. een kwakje aluminium laten lasen op je carter (ter hoogte waar bij een px het 3de spoelkanaal is) en er zelf ééntje invijlen, de andere 2 vergroten, alles mooi oppolieren in combinatie met een 177 kitcylinder grotere carbu, 4 boite en expantieuitlaat een wereld van verschil, dit experiment is betrouwbaar op wat ambriage problemen na!

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the motor jan has described is basically a super motor tuned to be a PX motor. you have got to think about how much it will cost to weld, grind, kit, carb, and "uitlaat" your super for 20/30 km per uur more than you have now.

just buy a px 200, then if you get bored... tune it and get much much more!!

even better buy a t5 and tune it!

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hij gaat beter dan een px 125, het is inderdaad beter een 200cc of een t5 blokje er in tehangen, maar had indertijd alle stukken liggen en moest niets extra kopen vandaar het "goedkope" experiment, het was tevens voor een maat van mij die een low budget restauratie voor ogen had!

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@ John,

I hear that all the time that T5's are better to tune, but I haven't encountered the ultimate and affordable T5 speed/touring kit.

Yes, yes malossi and JL and TMX and a short 4the gear and..and.. and.. but not the expected result.

In the end the balans is how much did I gained and how much did it cost (and how far will it bring me).

Or why do you suggest to tune a T5?

Remember 'Chrome won't get You home, but you will look better when pushing it alongside of the road'

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